chico roll the 3rd
In 1953, at the obscure Crazĕ Institűt, known affectionately by its neighbours as ‘petite un craze’, a strange turn of events occurred. The inmates would gather in the lounge all facing the same direction, all ‘seeing the same thing’ - a term that eventually became known in 2015, Brompton, as group psychosis. They all imagined the institute mascot, Ted, rising tall, as if to address them. They chanted, as many, “Ted, talk!” over and over, until that little bear found his voice and held their attention throughout the long, dark winter. By summer time, Ted was gone, as the inmates themselves rose to enunciate their visions, in their peculiarly stunted and repetitive formal tones, born of the restrictions of Ted’s vocalisation, and thus the Ted Talk was invented.
Chico Roll the 3rd is a long-division of Saskia Lily Inc.
All artwork used with kinda permission
Young Jefferton
(Dead Women Crossing, Oklahoma)
“oh poppa, i didn’t realise you were here.”